I am very excited about my 2011, Real World Wedding Workshop. Interest has been high and there are only a couple of spaces left so if you are interested in coming along to what should be a superb day of learning, please get in touch as soon as possible!
The seminar offers the complete nuts and bolts of my very successful wedding photography business, from the marketing and pricing to how i use environmental light and composition to produce stunning wedding images.
South West Photomounts will be attending with their range of stunning wedding albums. They will be available to answer your questions and help you select the right for your business.
Its going to be held on Thursday 3rd March at the absolutely stunning Ashdown Park Hotel, in East Sussex. Situated just south of East Grinstead, Ashdown is the perfect location for wedding photography, having extensive grounds set within Ashdown Forest and a breathtaking interior.

You can get a feel for the scale and drama of the venue by reading about a few recent weddings i have shot there by clicking here.

Description: The Real World of Wedding Photography
Building and running a wedding business, from top to toe in the REAL world.
Topics covered include:
1: Introduction and background to how Peter has become one the leading lights in the UK Wedding Photography Industry.
2: Business: Peter will reveal his marketing, pricing and products.
3: Technical: Peter covers exposure, lighting, composition.
4: Equipment.
5: Walk through a recent full wedding with Peter.
6: Shooting when the going gets tough: tips for winter, wet and difficult weddings.
7: Live Shoot: Peter holds a live demo both inside the magnificent venue and, weather permitting, in the grounds. There should be opportunity for delegates to take some images themselves under Peter’s guidance, so feel free to bring your own cameras.

Who Should Attend the REAL WORLD Workshop:
Aspiring and established photographers wishing to freshen or build up their business and wedding photography. This workshop is perfectly timed to get you up to to speed as the new wedding season gets under way.
This is intended to be a very informal, ego and hype-free workshop. Questions and input from delegates are very much welcomed.

Date: Thursday 3rd March 2011
Time: 10.00 to 5.00pm (registration and coffee 9.30am)
Location: Ashdown Park Hotel, Wych Cross, East Sussex.
Spaces are strictly limited.
Investment: £200 inc vat per delegate.
The fee includes coffee on arrival, a decent hot and cold lunch and afternoon coffee.

1: To reserve a place we require full payment at the time of booking and this non-refundable unless we are able to fill your space with another delegate once the day is full.
2: Payment is accepted by cheque, cash, and BACS.
3: To qualify for special room rates at Ashdown Park Hotel, please ask for the Sales Office and quote this workshop.
4: Free Parking is generally available at the hotel.
5: Peter will be available for informal discussion in the bar afterwards, so please feel free to stay on.

For further information or to book your place on the workshop please call on 01323 740741 or e-mail: info@peterprior.com as soon as possible.

Workshop is held in association with:
South West Photomounts
Jorgensen Albums
Love these Peter...First Class !!!!