At last! ... I can introduce
my new website!Those of you who know me will have heard talk of a new site for the past 18 months or so but, as ever, the pressures of running a full time wedding photography business and trying to dedicate to time to my home life, meant it was always on the back burner.
The aim of the new site was the keep the brand identity that I've built up over the past 14 years which has been developed over my 4 previous sites.
My last site had basically been unchanged for 6 years, I am ashamed to say, but it worked well, receiving endless kind comments from clients and my peers. However, i felt it has become a bit too unwieldy and dliuted as i added extras to show new ideas and images.
A lot of today's photography sites have become a tad too "gimmicky and busy", more about the site's features than the imagery and the aim was to avoid going down this route. I wanted to get back to basics with a clean, timeless site but with larger images for more impact, whilst offering a better experience for viewers.
The new site also had to be more search engine friendly and viewable on iPads and iPhones as these gadgets have become a huge part of many people's lives. It also had to have built in flexibility to allow me to administer the content and even the complete look from my desk.
With the help of close friend
Gill Taylor, I finally settled on a basic design for the new site and with her talent, patience and thoughts, we ended up with the look I was after.
The Portfolio is a blend of my iconic signature images and newer images. It is meant as a taster for couples who are always welcome to make an appointment to come and see the full weddings showcased in my sample albums.
Culling the gallery down to a workable set was probably the hardest part as at one time my "short list" totalled over 500 images.
Less is always more in my mind and I eventually managed to drop this down to about 200 before getting the input and thoughts of my very good friend
Jeff Ascough, whose opinion I really respect. We've been friends for years and I value his input and advice when it comes to collating a group of images that sit well together. Before his eyes took a look through my "short list" I have to admit to a definite mix of styles which diluted the overall effect. Having an independent eye take a dispassionate look through the collection over a few days was a huge help to get to the place I wanted to be with the images.
The final piece in the puzzle was to liase with
Mike Whittaker of Bramernic Consulting, my long time UK hosting company to ensure a smooth transition to the new site going live.
So a huge thank you to Gill, Jeff and Mike as well as the team at
Big Folio in the States for their rapid response to my endless questions.
So please take a look at the
new site by clicking here and feel free to add your thoughts to this blog or email them to me at info@peterprior.com .