Blessed by a full attendance, my workshop was split into two days. Day one saw me teach and explain the ways of wedding photography, providing the tools to successfully build and run a profitable wedding photography business. This took place in Burgess Hill at Park Cameras superstore.
Day Two was on location at Ashdown Park Hotel, and included theory and practical sessions. Subjects including lighting, posing working indoors and when you are up against it. Our model, Chloe was brilliant as she put up with being photographed by me and then delegates as they tried out techniques i had been teaching during the day.
Feedback has been really good and i have received a number of very kind emails and messages including:
Hi Peter,
Thanks for a couple of very interesting and informative days at Park Cameras and then at Ashdown Park Hotel. I have learned a lot of useful ideas and gained loads of tips and thought your approach was both relaxed and stimulating. The way you work with light and attention to detail has been inspirational.
I have already shot a few weddings and am looking forward to putting some of your ideas into practice.
Once again, many thanks.
I hope you are well.
I have not long been home from the two day seminar and thought I would let you know how I got on.
I found Peter to be very informative and very professional in his knowledge, delivery and friendliness. He answered any questions very well without speaking down to us which can often occur in similar circumstances. He was only too happy to share his knowledge and personal experiences with us. The mix of business training as well as photographic skills was well balanced. I left both days with my mind reeling with ideas and the start of business plans too.
The two days were very useful and provided me with skills useable in any photographic field not only Weddings.
The venues were ideal and the model very easy and professional to work with. I have only managed to download my shots and have a quick flick through but I have some shots I am very pleased with. I feel a lot more confident regarding wedding photography which is useful as I am doing one in July for a work colleagues niece!
I would recommend this course to anyone thinking of taking up wedding photography.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and take care.
Hi Peter
First of many thanks for the 2 day course, superb tutor and so much learned.
Best regards and thanks once again
Daren Saunders
I thought i would share a few of my images of Chloe taken on day two.
Nikon D3s with my 180mm f2.8 lens
24-70 2.8 lens
You can view my wedding portfolio here.
She is so pretty with her wedding dress!