I only met him a couple of times but was privileged to room share with David at the first DWF Convention at Las Vegas in 2005. This was my first meeting with him and this was certainly the highlight of the 5 days there.
His love of life, boundless energy and enthusiasm was astounding: he was intent on making every second of his trip count. When i went to sleep, he was out and about and when i woke up, he was editing the photos he had taken the day before at his laptop. I am sure he never slept for the duration of the Convention.
I couldn't keep up with him but after a lot of persuading he finally convinced me to rise at 5am on our last day to walk around the Strip taking photographs of each other whilst Vegas was sleeping.
I remember us both laying on the ground in the Bellagio's shopping mall, photographing the ceilings whilst a security guard looked on in disbelief as two crazy Brits did their thing.
David was a major influence on my career and talked me through the painful steps that i had to take when i took the digital plunge back in 2005. His kindness and patience can never be repaid and his humour and mickey taking was legendary and will always stick in my mind.
I never heard him complain and he helped to keep my feet on the ground and maintain a sense of reality and passion for my work, whatever else was going on.
I have just heard about his funeral arrangements and if by magic, i have a weekend off, so will be driving to Yorkshire this Saturday to pay my respects to David and his family.
Here are few photos of David in action, Vegas March 2005...at the crack of dawn!
RIP David.
Beautiful tribute.